Friday, March 25, 2016

Spring break, too much of a good thing?

I love my children!  Love, love, love them!  I am blessed beyond measure!  They are darling in every way possible.  There are just small moments though - when even the best of us are tested and tried and patience starts to wear thin.

Maybe it is just me, but when I am home with all of my little ducklings I have a hard time staying on task with my work that I have to do.  I'm not talking housework, laundry, cooking, dishes, etc.  I'm talking about my work as a REALTOR®.  I have clients and deadlines, phone calls and contracts, appointments etc and when I need to focus on my work, my children have a sixth sense about these things and come buzzing in for the most wonderful things:

"I want a hug!" "Let me read you my new story I just created." "I need a drink." "Mom, please come wipe my bottom," (my youngest). These beautiful little voices are part of my everyday life and I am honored and blessed that they are precious gifts to raise with my husband.

But when I need to be on the phone, I become the most popular person in the house and the hand signals for "just a minute", "please be quiet", and "I'll be right back" go completely unnoticed by my very astute children.  It must be a case of classic avoidance.  They see or do not see what they want and do what they want and want what they want whenever they want - especially, as it would seem, when I am on the phone... working.

There must be an invisible trigger that happens in a household or a tension in the air that causes this to erupt.
Please don't misunderstand me, I am grateful for each precious moment with my children as I know all too well those moments are disappearing with each day.

I heard a saying once that, "The days are long, but the years are short."  That is true. There will be a time when my son won't come tapping down the hall with his arms out wide looking for another hug. There will be a time when my youngest wipes himself. There will be a time when my oldest might not want to share her stories with me.  And I will cry then as I do now because they are not little babies anymore.

These are just moments that I don't want to end.  And there are other moments where I want to go in the car and take a drive all by myself - or just take a shower without anyone needing anything for a few minutes.

There is "Mom-Guilt" for expressing that I need a little break from the beautiful gifts God has blessed us with. Because I asked God for these beautiful children, it seems, at times, selfish, to want to have a moment to myself.

I carve out special time with the kiddos. And I make sure I spend time with all of them together too.  I do tend to have my cell phone around a little too often - but that is part of my livelihood.  I do make appointments with my family to keep them a priority.  I have often said, "If it is not on my calendar, it doesn't get done." And that part is so true.

My mom told me once, when I was at the end of one of my ropes, "Sometimes there is too much of a good thing." And although when she said that to me I felt like a bad mom for being overwhelmed, I realized that I'm only human and try the best I can everyday.  Some days I am able to try harder, and some days are better and easier than others.

One thing I am is grateful for my life, my family, my job and my faith.  I don't think I'd be doing as good of a job keeping my head about me if I didn't.

So as this week with the kiddos is coming to an end, I choose to be thankful for the opportunity to be with them and present with the knowledge that time is precious. May God guide me on my journey as a wife, mother & daughter.

And may God bless you.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spring has sprung!

So this winter in Minnesota has been extra cold and snowy!  Most people who are not used to Minnesota at all would probably say, "DUH! It's Minnesota!"  But this year has had more snow and cold weather than typical years.  Currently I am in the Twin Cities metro and we have grass on the ground and birds singing in the trees at 5am.  In Duluth, there is still several feet of snow on the ground and in some areas I fear there will be snow until June!  The children have had more snowdays and days staying home due to cold temperatures than I can remember.  Several school districts have to make up extra days this summer to compensate for having to stay home this winter.  That being said, the children are excited for a 70 degree day today!  (I think the adults are too!)  I can only imagine that many schools will be having classes outside, parks will be full and some will be playing their own kind of hooky - just to be OUTSIDE!  We all have wiggles that we need to get out, windows that need to be opened and fresh air that is needed in our lungs.  That being said - when you do get outside - Don't forget to PLAY!  Have some good old fashioned fun today wherever you are!  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Endings and New Beginnings

Well, one thing that is consistent is change.  

I love working in the mornings, laughing and challenging what my friends say on air, and championing causes close to my heart and have been doing so for more than 20 years. And I'm sorry to say that it's time for me to move on.  I'm not leaving because I don't want to do radio anymore.  Nothing like that in the least.

It is a hard thing to have to walk away from something that you love.  But family things have changed and as much as I would love to continue to stay with on air each weekday morning, family comes first. My husband has been looking to grow in his field and his job is taking us to the Twin Cities. His employment package was a no brainer. For the family sake we had to say yes. Boo, on so many other levels.

Please feel free to say hello and continue to let me know what is going on in your lives.  I can't turn off my advocate hat just because I won't have my microphone in front of my face weekday mornings. I have friends that I can get your story in front of.  ;)

In fact we talked to fabulous people today including Michael Jackson who is up for a great award, the Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award.  The winner of the 2012 Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award will receive a $100,000 donation from The NASCAR Foundation to their children’s charity of choice and a 2013 Toyota Camry Hybrid from Toyota, while each of the remaining three finalists will receive a $25,000 donation to their children’s charity of choice. All finalists will attend NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Champion’s Week where the winner will be announced at the end of November.
Please vote for Michael Jackson everyday throught November

Wendy Ruhnke and Paul were in from the 2012 Walk to End Alzheimers.  The Duluth walk will take place  this Saturday!

So that said, I am a busy mom of 3 young kids and I definitely keep things real.  Feel free to share your thoughts, stories and things you need advocated, or if you just need to vent - all I ask is that you keep it clean and you keep it REAL.

And don't forget to play!
